Illusion of Happiness

By Author- Alisha Prien

How many of you think, “once I’ve done this, I’ll be happy”? I know I’ve fallen into thinking this more than once this year.

Well, I hate to tell you all, but this mentality has its downfall.  That happy feeling only lasts a few seconds before you are looking for the next best thing, something else to be happy about. I’ve noticed it’s become a constant thing in society, everyone waiting out for that holiday or that weekend to get away, drink or party to elevate that feeling of happiness. This week I found myself falling into this mentality, planning our next getaway and complaining about how bored I felt and unhappy with how the past few months have played out with everything. To catch you all up, there has been a lot that has happened in the last 2 months with my health, my son’s health and juggling being a parent and partner.

If I’m being honest, just typing this makes me feel embarrassed for how ungrateful and entitled I sound (we are still human). I’ve realised it’s not about searching for happiness with the next best thing, its about finding happiness in everyday life. Its about finding happiness in washing the dishes, tucking the kids in bed, and watching your partner fix the washing machine or microwave you asked him to do. It’s about appreciating the little things and being grateful for the moments where there is happiness.  Its not about searching for happiness, it’s about creating your own happiness in all the little daily tasks of your life. Happiness already exists in our life, it’s just whether you can see it or not, whether you can look past the negatives and find the positives.

 Don’t get me wrong it’s not easy to dig yourself out of the dark when it’s been one negative after another. I know this year I’ve definitely been more negative than positive due to so many negative circumstances happening at once. Unfortunately, remaining in the negative mindset often impacts those closest to you, in my case the kids and my partner. Its interesting, because it really is true, that if the mother of the house is unhappy, then so too is everyone else in the house. Awareness is the first step, acknowledgement is the second, and accountability is the third.

There are so many things to be happy about. So many instances where moments of happiness are present, you just have to push past the negatives to see it. I got to have more cuddles and time with my youngest whilst he was in hospital (positive), I get to stay home, watch my kids grow up and be apart of every little sporting and school event they have (positive). There are so many things to be happy about. You just have to know where to look.


Remember, you create your own happiness…


