Choose the support that values your needs.
Our team
Director, Carer
Alisha Prien
I will never forget the moment I realised my life would never be the same, the day my son was born…
My name is Alisha, partner and mum of 3, 1 of which who has a disability and together we share a beautiful, blended family… Just kidding chaotic and at times challenging family.
The first time I realised that I could no longer do this all on my own, was the first time I realised how hard it would be to get the help I needed for a child of such high needs. The scariest part wasn’t just finding anyone, it was also putting trust into someone to take care of my boy the way I do, to be able to understand his social cues, when he was hungry, if he was tired, and when he needed attention and love. Who would be able to meet such needs, and cater to them the way a mother or father does? These are things that always presented a challenge when it came to hiring the right people and giving them that sort of responsibility. Mum guilt is another fun one that doesn’t help when it comes to this circumstance, I often still feel that he is my burden and responsibility when it comes to his care and needs.
If you’ve ever felt this yourself as a parent or carer… totally normal, which is why I began this Business in the first place. I wanted to develop something that was going to take on these challenges, to provide care that goes above and beyond the normal. I wanted to create something that was going to make a difference through genuine and authentic connection, where parents and carers, as well as participants could all feel safe knowing their child or family member was being taken care of. To be the right fit for you, is my goal.
My aim is to provide a positive and impactful experience, to give the participant and their family independence, whatever that may mean, whether it be: grocery shopping, Gym, Movies, work, domestic house chores, and of course to some of us a date night or 2…
Director, Technician
Melvin Raetzke
It all started with a choice, which I can say I haven’t looked back.
I am Melvin, partner and father of 3 in our blended family. Caring for someone with a disability is a relatively new experience for me. Though it can be challenging at times, it is definitely humbling and rewarding.
The resilience of the disability community has been inspiring and I want to help contribute to the improvement of the system, ensuring that the vulnerable members of our community and those who care for them have access to the genuine supports they require.
I look forward to building a foundation of trust with all who engage with us.