Author- Alisha Prien

It’s been a minute… (2 weeks to be exact)

The last couple weeks feel like a blur. In and out of hospital due to my health. Thank God Spencer has had a healthy couple of months because between the two of us, anyone would think we live at the hospital these days. It has been a rough couple of weeks, I think like many, I struggle with things that are out of my control. Dr Google is the enemy; I’ve decided to stop googling as the only answers it comes up with is cancer and dying :O There are many things that I could stress and lose sleep over at the moment, but we all know that only makes health symptoms worse. I find that stressing over things that are out of our control only furthers problems and creates more unnecessary anxiety within the brain.


The best way to overcome this, is to focus on what is in your control. I think I’ve struggled with control issues a lot from a young age. From controlling my diet (restrictive eating), to constantly focusing on my body and suffering from major body dysmorphia (still present to this day). My Control comes from not having much control or opportunities as a young kid, as well as constantly being dismissed and shut down, unable to express feelings in toxic controlling adult relationships. There is a lot that I have had to adapt too, and honestly, I’m not great with change and things that are outside of my comfort zone. Spencer being born with his disability was one of the biggest situations that was out of my control. It was during that time; I think I was my skinniest. But honestly, who is good with change? I suppose that’s why 98% of us remain in the comfort zone, whilst only 2% manage to step outside, take risks and end up becoming some of the most successful people.

Things that are in our control, are our reactions and responses to change. Like I said, I could lose sleep, constantly worry, google and stress about the what ifs, or I could embrace each day as it comes and look after what I can control- exercise, eat healthy (eat more), spend time with family, surround myself with positive people, and reduce social media consumption (never good to indulge as an avoidant).

There are many things we cannot control in life… and there will always be new things we have to adapt to, new changes and situations that arise. There are also things within our control that we can choose to take action in such as; spending time with loved ones, and taking care of our mental and physical wellbeing.

Life always has a way of working out in the end, and eventually answers come. In the meantime, I’m realising its best not to worry. What will be, will be.

We should choose to action things within our control, and let go of things we cannot…




How lucky we are…