How lucky we are…

By Author- Alisha Prien

In today’s society, we have access to funds that support; the sick, the old, the disabled and disadvantaged. Australia really is a lucky country.

The older my son gets, the heavier and more challenging he becomes physically to manage. Spencer will need more and more equipment and support the older he gets. With equipment, comes massive costs, were talking thousands of dollars (for example a wheelchair with scripting and quotes adding up to around $7000) crazy! If it wasn’t for the NDIS (National Disability Insurance Scheme) I would be screwed financially, and probably have to sell my kidney just to cover the costs.

Sometimes I think we forget in Australia the opportunities and grants we are given to be able to access health and education. I often hear people winge and complain about money, the system, and why they feel entitled to receive more and more. I’ve come to the conclusion that the more we get, the more we expect, and the more entitled and ungrateful we become. I recently saw a video regarding the health care system in America and was shocked… The amount of debt they get just for calling an ambulance and having overnight stays in the hospital is insane. On average, a ride in an ambulance cost $450 a trip but can often exceed $1000 depending on each state.

Oh, but it gets better…In America if you need an overnight hospital stay for surgery, or even birth, on average its between $3- 6000 a stay and if you need 4-5 overnights in the hospital, your looking at a bill anywhere from $13 000 to $15000… (that’s a car right there).

I guess what I’m trying to say from all of this is, how lucky we are in Australia with all the systems we have in place to survive. I think sometimes we forget the predicaments other people face in other countries, along with the amount of debt they carry just for having an illness that is out of their control. Don’t get me wrong, I too find myself having a moment of “poor me” from time to time, where I get frustrated with the system, the time it takes, and have a whinge here and there (not proud of it). At the end of the day, all it takes is a bit of perspective (or often my partner reminding me) on where we came from to get to where we are. It was only 12 years ago NDIS didn’t even exist, and people had to pay out of pocket for Therapies, equipment, and supports.

This is a little reminder that if you catch yourself winging (which like most Aussies, we tend to whinge here and there) remember where we came from, remember that many don’t get the opportunities and help we do. Gratitude goes along way and breaks the barriers of  ‘victim mentality’ that so many of us fall accustomed to…

Be kind, Be grateful, and gain perspective…




Envy Destroys***