Author- Alisha Prien

Life just keeps on giving…

This week I received not the best news regarding my health, but at least news to move forward. On a positive note at least now I know I’m not a hypochondriac when it comes to my health…

My first reaction to this news was S***! I need this sorted so I can be healthy for my kids. Spencer needs me. Spencer has health issues that have popped up recently also which has been ongoing for this past year. Every couple of months he becomes unwell and develops what appears to be a chest infection/or possible aspiration. I’m convinced now that as it has been on and off for most of this year there is something not quite right with my little dude. Since my son was born, I’ve been advocating for him, pushing doctors to look at him a second time, to do more tests, and 90% of the time I’ve been right on the mark with things regarding his health. The only time this type of advocacy doesn’t apply, is when it comes to my own health. Instead of advocating for myself I just assume the symptoms were me just having a moment of anxiety or just overreacting. I often down play the seriousness of things. In a way I think it has become second nature, maybe even a coping mechanism. In any case, this not advocating/ speaking up nonsense has not served me well in life, and when things are bad, they are indeed bad…

This year I decided to longer participate or practice in things that bring no purpose or peace to my life, this includes the downplaying of what’s happening or going on in my life. Spencer is proof that pushing and being as some would say “a Karen” mum, is necessary in some instances to get things actioned. I think the whole concept of “being a Karen” has made a lot of us panic and worry what others think, worry about the repercussions of others perception on us if we were to complain about an issue or push for a result (me being one of them). What I’ve come to realise is that, if we let others perception or view on us control us, then we are no longer living the life we want. We are living the life others want, and often its others who don’t even play a significant part in our actual life. So, whilst you sit there pondering over what to do, and if you should say something or not. I will leave you with this thought. Isn’t it better to say something, than leave something left unsaid. What if by leaving something unsaid it creates worse consequences in the future. Some call this method “Short term pain, long term gain”.

In the moment when speaking up, it might feel like the end of the world, and yes you may piss off or upset someone, that’s inevitable in life (Can’t please everyone). But what a relief to get it out there in the open, and what if you were right, what if there was something wrong. If there wasn’t, oh well at least you aren’t sitting and stewing over the thought or worrying about something out of your control. If I hadn’t of spoken up for my son, I’m quite certain eventually it would come back to bite me one way or another through his declining health. A few times things have come back to bite when I haven’t spoken up in the past, so I know the consequences well.

I guess the best way to look at it is, by speaking up/advocating we end up having less regrets in life, because we are sticking to our truths. By voicing your feelings and thoughts you are releasing just another chain that holds you back from living life the way you want to.


