By Author- Alisha Prien

This week felt like a lot of good karma coming in. After what has felt like, a good year of one obstacle after another, finally things are beginning to move forward, and I can almost taste the future I so desperately want for my family. At one point I was starting to give up and give in to that darkness, I honestly thought that I was just one unlucky woman where the dreams I had just weren’t in my cards…

I finally have answers and a fix for my health situation, my son is getting his new wheelchair after a year of organising and waiting, my daughter’s behaviour has taken a positive turn, my step son is kicking it in basketball (super proud). Things are finally paying off. At one point I honestly felt like the world was on my shoulders and things would never progress, I couldn’t be more grateful for those who surrounded me with love and kept pushing me through the dark times (you know who you are). Business is good and I am getting to work with some fantastic clients and beautiful families. I couldn’t be more grateful; I can feel myself slowly healing and beginning to be rewarded for all the pain and hurt it was once put through.  

It’s amazing because I honestly didn’t believe in manifesting and if anything, I’m still sceptical of the whole manifestation term… what I do know is that hard work pays off, consistency pays off, and sometimes you have to be alone to get there…

I think sometimes a lot of us are afraid to be alone for fear of judgement and rejection of others (me being one of them). A lot of us are conditioned to fit in and be apart of everything, every event, every party. We are conditioned to be people pleasers who can’t say no and sacrifice our happiness, becoming consumers to society and others due to fear of exclusion and missing out (FOMO).

Sometimes saying no and missing out, brings back time. Time to put into yourself, time to put into your future goals, time to be alone and grow. The time you get back, is the time you can place into bigger and better things… I wont lie it is hard, there is a lot of hurdles you find when you are alone with yourself, it can be overwhelming and at times exhausting when you place that time and energy into things that require sacrifice and patience. That time is worth the freedom. The freedom to breathe and finally have a moment to do the things you love most. The freedom to make decisions of your own and not have to bend to others will. The freedom to heal and grow within yourself and develop a strong sense of who you are.

Call it manifest, good Karma or time and consistency. Whatever it is, I am truly grateful.

 Remember time is on our side if we choose…
